Search 12000 Type Safety Door Locks

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sliding Door Safety Locks

Sliding Door Safety Locks If the sliding glass doors in your home are more than 10 years old, you might notice that they are becoming harder to slide open. This problem is even more common on aluminum frame dual pane doors. The reason is because the doors are heavier due to the dual pane glass, but many of the aluminum units did not use stainless steel rollers. So, in many cases, the rollers get rusty from moisture and they start to bind.

In order to replace the rollers, you have to remove the sliding panel from the opening. In most instances, the fixed panel must be removed in order for the sliding panel to come out. There is a simple way to determine whether or not your fixed panel has to come out as well. If the slider is on the inside track and the fixed panel is on the outside track, you have to remove both panels, because the slider will only come out from the outside. There is a lip on the bottom of the track inside your house. That lip keeps water from coming in. Unfortunately, that lip is also too high to lift the sliding panel up and over. So, you have to remove the fixed panel first, then lift and swing out the slider from outside. If you are one of the few people who have a slider on the outside track, then you can lift your slider out without removing the fixed panel.The lock is very easy to install and easy to program and extremely user friendly. Developed for do it yourself installations, the finger print door lock system can easily replace existing door devices. Stainless steel backing plates placed on both sides of the door give a professional and well-designed look to your installation while adding enhanced security reinforcement to the door. In most situations, the existing hole for the old lock will meet your requirements for the finger print door lock. It is essential to understand that finger print technology provides the verification, but it is the lock that provides the security. If you want the finger print unit to be installed outside, the fingerprint lock must be weatherproof and fitted to a good quality external solid door. For use on outside doors that are exposed to moisture, you can use a weather guard kit which includes a weatherproof gasket and a rain cover. Fingerprint door locks systems can store many prints at one time. Generally you can store 10, 20, 30 even 50 fingerprints at one time. There are more advanced systems that allow you hold more fingerprints and let you know who has used the lock and at what time.When it comes to security and safety sliding glass door locks aren't exactly the most heavy duty and impenetrable force on the planet. It is however very noisy if a potential burglar had to smash the glass in order to get in but the chances of that happening are very slim so its best to focus on making sure the lock is modern, sturdy and secure. The whole purpose of having sliding doors is so that you can have both a beautiful view to the outside as well as the inside of your home, and don't forget that they should be easy to open and close too. Investing in quality sliding glass door locks is the least you can do to ensure that you have the best of both worlds in style and safety.

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